Heather Porter Body Back

Body Back Book CoverStyleNest have teamed up with mum of four Heather Porter and author of Body Back to bring you effective and realistic tips to help make you look and feel better for summer.

Mum of four, Heather Porter knows how pregnancy can change a woman’s body as well as boost her self-esteem so StyleNest team up with the lovely Heather to bring you some top tips to help you self-improve whilst toning that tum.

Tip 1. Hip & Thigh Back

Whether you have cellulite or the dreaded muffin top, fear not as help is on the horizon and the key is perseverance.

Drink lots of water to ensure the skin is hydrated and moisturised to retain as much  elasticity as possible. Showering with a loofah will help boost circulation and get rid of dead skin cells, to help a smooth finish. Pinch your cellulite (not out of hatred but out of love) with your thumb and forefinger to help increase circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Cellulite won’t disappear on its own, applying moisturiser everyday is essential and pay special attention to the thigh area with a strong massaging and brushing technique.

Tip 2. Arms Back

One of the things most of us hate about summer is getting our arms out. It is absolutely boiling outside but the long sleeves remain on because they just aren’t toned like Jennifer Anniston’s. With sagging skin, Heather helps to transform your arms into the Hollywood wave you’ve always dreamt of.

Under your arms are lymph nodes so when massaging your arms start at the elbow and work your way up to under the armpit. This will assist the lymphatic system, delivering toxins from your upper arms straight to the depository space that will move them on.

Skin brushing can help get rid of white pimples, acid spots or scaly marks on the back of upper arms. A fruit glycolic peel that you would use on your face can also aid these spots on the upper arm. Follow the instructions and cover the upper arms, wrapping with cling wrap and leaving on for the amount of times on your peel’s instructions.

The coffee table dip is a great exercise for combating bingo wings. Start by grabbing the side of a coffee table from behind you with your back towards it. Put your hands on the table, wrist and arms facing forward and keep your bottom away from the table. Make sure the table is secure and sturdy enough before putting your legs more parallel to the ground and dipping down and back up. Slowly dip down and back up 20 times, rest, then repeat.

Tip 3. Botttom Back

Wave goodbye to those Bridget Jones pants and say hello to delicate, feminine lace and satin lingerie again. Simply, do 15 squats whilst cleaning your teeth for a total of 30 squats a day for a tighter, perkier and firmer bikini wearing bottom.

For more information visit www.body-back.com or to shop Heather’s book visit www.amazon.com.


Click here for some more tips on how to get fit after pregnancy.

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