Simple Nutritional Tips

Fiona HunterStyleNest team up with nutritionist for the Simple Advisory Board, Fiona Hunter to bring you the latest summer fitness tips, to ensure you are beach body ready from head-to-toe.

Wave goodbye to crash dieting and detoxing as StyleNest has teamed up with expert Fiona Hunter to bring you some nutritional tips to ensure you get a trimmer tummy this summer with a few simple steps. 

Tip 1. Crash Diets

Crash dieting is not a quick fix answer to get into your dream bikini. Not only is it bad for your body and your skin but yo-yo dieting loosens elasticity and makes the skin sag.

Tip 2. Fruit and Veg

Indulge in fruit and veg for a healthy dose of antioxidants which help to neutralise the effects of free radicals, reduce the signs of ageing and wrinkles.

Tip 3. Fatty Foods

Not all fatty foods are bad such as oily fish, avocados, nuts and seeds. These foods all contain essential fatty acids which the body can’t make and can help to improve skin elasticity. Salmon in particular can help muscle tone and prevent sagging skin. Mix these foods up for a scrumptious summer salad.

Tip 4. Keep Hydrated

Keeping hydrated will encourage the fibre to work and flush out impurities from the blood – it sounds obvious, but water really is the healthiest thing to drink. If you don’t like water, choose other healthy drinks such as fruit juices or herbal teas. This will also get you in a good habit for keeping well hydrated in the holiday heat. Water also has amazing skin benefits and helps regulate body temperature through sweat and not drinking enough may leave you looking dull and dry so keep a bottle handy at all times.

Tip 5. Sensible Snacking

Choose snacks like nuts, seeds and dried fruit which provide the skin with nutrients and help balance blood sugar levels. Eat small snacks rich in minerals and potassium before and after exercising as these aid good muscle function. Keep a stash of Brazil nuts, cashews or a small piece of dark chocolate with you for a healthy way to avoid grabbing that snickers.

Tip 6. Bloating

The quickest way to beat the bloat ahead of your summer holiday is to cut the alcohol from your diet and your body will thank you for it. Not only may it help your tummy feel trimmer but cutting down on the drink will also make you feel refreshed and revitalised.

Tip 7. Fibre

If you often feel sluggish and bloated, then a rich fibre diet such as wholegrain cereal, fruit and veg is essential to your eating plan in the lead up to your holiday.

Tip 8. Reduce Salt

High salt intake can contribute to water retention so it’s a matter of training your taste buds to enjoy foods with less salt. Alternative seasonings such as herbs, spices, lemon and mustard can make for an ideal substitute.

Tip 9. Keep a Food Diary

We often eat things without even realising so by keeping a food diary can help figure out the patterns of your eating habits. Keep a diary for at least seven days, noting the time, food consumed, quantity and symptoms experienced and hopefully a pattern.

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