How to stay safe while travelling on a train in the UK

Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio via

Train travel can be relaxing and enjoyable in the right circumstances. It allows you to cover long distances quickly, all while comfortably being able to sit and work or enjoy some entertainment. But it’s important to keep yourself safe while travelling on trains. Below, we explore how you can prepare for your journey and leave safely.

Preparing for a journey

For a start, you can help yourself by preparing carefully for your journey. This begins by arriving early at the station to avoid having to rush through. You can also save yourself from any stress by getting your tickets sorted out in advance. Ideally, this will be via an app, so you don’t have to fiddle around with physical tickets. From there, you simply need to pack your essentials for your destination and some entertainment or work to occupy yourself during the journey. If it’s a long trip, then food and drink can also help you be more comfortable.

Safety tips

There are plenty of safety rules you should adhere to during train travel. For a start, you should stand behind the yellow lines at the station – especially when a train is approaching. Even more importantly, you should stay off the tracks at all times. On top of this, you can help keep everyone safe by reporting any suspicious activity: you can report suspicious packages or activity by contacting the transport police. Meanwhile, you can also keep yourself safe by travelling in a group. For instance, you can purchase a group saver ticket for the Gatwick Express if you want to travel in a group.

Things to avoid

There are steps to avoid when taking the train too. Indeed, you should ensure that you don’t pack too heavily – there’s limited space on the train and all your bags might not fit. Furthermore, try to avoid sitting in a reserved seat as this can cause unnecessary hassle as you switch seats mid-journey. Finally, always remember any connections you need to take: to get to your final destination, you may need to change trains during your journey.

Leaving the train and the station safely

It’s important to leave the train safely at the end of your journey. Always be aware that there’s a gap between the train and platform – take care to safely step onto the platform when leaving. Furthermore, no matter how late you are, ensure that you walk rather than run out of the station, for your safety and others.

Train travel is an excellent way to get around the UK. And by following the safety advice above, you should be all set for a relaxing journey.

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