Let’s be honest, given the choice, most of us would love to have a nice bright smile (not stupid white though, that trend needs to fade more than the stains do) just a nice, clean healthy-looking smile. But the traditional bleaching treatments can often be too sensitising or time consuming for people.

I’ve bleached my teeth in the past with varying results – the first time was most effective because I was the strictest with it – it was just before my wedding and I used the low percentage bleach overnight, every night as per instruction by my dentist. I didn’t drink tea or coffee for a month(!!) nor fruit juice, curry or any other stain inflicting foods – it was like going on a detox. My teeth were gleaming but were incredibly sensitive, even the cold wind hurt my teeth.

I have topped my teeth up again since then, but I was not nearly as regimented as before – I’ve got kids now, I need my cup of tea or 3 in the mornings.

By the way – it is actually very important to be that strict with yourself when bleach whitening over a period of time; the teeth become very porous during the process and ironically can be much more susceptible to staining for up to a month after you’ve reached your desired look.

So, with the sensitivity, time constraints and lack of tea, I have been less willing of late to (bleach) whiten my teeth, so, I was very keen to try out SmileTime, a range of bleach-free and hassle-free teeth whitening products. You can take a test online to find the product most suited to you or choose your own. I wanted to try the new Coconut Teeth Whitening Kit as it seemed to tick all the boxes for my needs – I just didn’t know whether it would live up to expectations.

The instructions are so simple; you dampen the toothbrush, dip it in the coconut powder and brush away the stains in a soft, circular motion. Rinse, then brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste. Perfect for me – I can do this regularly without sensitising my teeth or spend time walking around, dribbling with a gum-shield of whitening gel in my mouth. The product itself, is a pleasure to use – my mouth feels unbelievably fresh and clean, and as for the stains, I was asked immediately if I’d whitened my teeth! (To be honest, I think this could be partly due to how gleaming clean they look, rather than how white, but the desired effect is the same for me!). I will definitely continue to use this kit – I don’t think it will whiten my teeth to the degree that I achieved before my wedding but I am certain it will keep those pesky tea stains at bay and, more importantly, keep my teeth and smile lovely and healthy.


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