Eat Chocolates & Be Fit! The Science Behind the Benefits of Dark Chocolates

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You may have heard that dark chocolate is highly beneficial for you. It’s said to improve blood pressure, help you maintain a healthy weight, and stay creative. But is that all true? Let’s try to figure that out together.

In this article, you’ll find all the important information about how dark chocolate affects your health. Learn more about the nutrients it contains, why it’s better than milk chocolate, and how to eat it correctly to receive all its goodness. Read on to discover the main health benefits of eating dark chocolate.

Is Dark Chocolate Good?

The “chocolate is unhealthy” myth was busted in the late 1990s when it was found to have many healthy attributes.

It contains:

  • Polyphenols (antioxidants)
  • Flavonoids (cardiovascular benefits)
  • Fiber (reduced blood cholesterol)
  • Magnesium (helps with stress and sleep)
  • Potassium (helps protect your nerves and muscles)
  • Copper (improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation)
  • Manganese (helps the body metabolise carbohydrates and fats)
  • Magnesium (relieves menstrual cramps and helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels)

However, not all dark chocolates are created equal. While some brands focus on the quality of their ingredients, others are more interested in manufacturing low-quality products to create a bigger profit margin. It’s important to be careful when selecting your brand, as some dark chocolate brands are more beneficial than others. There are three main things to look for when buying dark chocolate: the percentage of cocoa, the processing method used, and the packaging.

Dark chocolate contains between 60% and 99% cocoa, but most brands contain 70% or more. Some cheaper brands use a lower percentage of cocoa because it’s less expensive. But if you want health benefits, it’s best to go for higher percentages of cocoa. Chocolates with a higher percentage of cocoa also taste better.

Dark chocolate is made using two different processing methods: “conching” and “tempering”. Conching creates smooth chocolate with a high gloss, whereas tempering ensures that the chocolate is soft enough to bite into without causing mouth injury. This is especially true when it comes to compound coating. Not all compound coating is created the same way. Check out more about compound coating in The best Compound Coating You Can Buy.

Choosing the right method will make a difference in the quality and taste of the chocolate. Dark chocolate brands that use tempering are usually higher in quality than those that use conching. However, if the product doesn’t specify which method they use, then it’s best to avoid them.

The packaging can also tell you whether the brand is good or not. Look for dark chocolate that comes in a box instead of a foil wrapper, because foil wrappers tend to expose the chocolate to light and air, making them lose their antioxidants. If you can’t find dark chocolate that comes in a box, then opt for brands that come in opaque packaging.

Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate

Researchers from the University of Cambridge compared milk chocolate with dark chocolate. They found that milk chocolate had twice as much saturated fat as dark chocolate, as well as three times as much sugar and five times as much dairy protein. And while both types had similar amounts of calories, dark chocolate had more fiber and antioxidants than milk chocolate.

So if you love eating chocolate but don’t like the way it makes you feel afterward, then why not swap your milk chocolate for dark chocolate? You might notice a huge difference in how you feel.

Another benefit of eating dark chocolate over milk chocolate is its ability to improve your cognitive function in older adults. This means that if you want to remain sharp and focused as you age then eating dark chocolate every day is an excellent way to do so.

If you’re not a fan of dark chocolate, don’t worry. Dark chocolate doesn’t need to be eaten entirely on its own. It can also be added to your favourite foods as an ingredient. For example, 1 oz of dark chocolate can be added to cookies, muffins, cakes, cereals, and more without drastically changing the taste of the food.

Dark Chocolate Benefits

There are many benefits to eating dark chocolate. However, it’s important to know that the health benefits depend on the type of dark chocolate that you eat and how much you eat. If you want to reap the full benefits of eating dark chocolate then you should eat between 1-2 servings per day.

  • Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease

Eating dark chocolate that is rich in cocoa polyphenols can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. This is because these polyphenols have antioxidant properties, which help protect against oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

  • Lowers Blood Pressure

Eating dark chocolate on a regular basis can lead to an improvement in your blood pressure. This is because dark chocolate contains flavonoids called epicatechin and catechin, which help improve endothelial function, thereby reducing blood pressure.

  • Improves Brain Function & Brain Health

Eating dark chocolate can help improve your brain function, as well as protect your brain from ageing. This is because cocoa contains flavonoids called catechin and epicatechin, which are known to increase blood flow to the brain.

  • Helps With Weight Management

Studies show that eating dark chocolate on a regular basis can help you maintain weight. In fact, studies conducted by researchers from Stanford University showed that eating 100 – 200 grams of dark chocolate every day for 14 weeks led to a significant decrease in weight and waist circumference in overweight adults.


When consumed in moderation, dark chocolate can have many positive effects on your body and mind. Select the type of chocolate and the brand carefully, and enjoy!

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