The perfect watch for the occasion

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You’re attending a wedding as the best man. You’ve got your suit and your shoes. You’re looking smart and smooth, but the watch you’ve got on is clashing with the James Bond style you’ve got going on.

If you want advice on which watches suit which occasions best, then you’re in the right place.

Why does your watch matter?

Showing up to an occasion wearing the same old watch you wear every day can give off the impression that you’re not that bothered about the event.

Switching up the watch you wear on separate occasions shows that you have spent the time and effort to purposefully dress to impress.

Every watch has been purposely designed to give character to any style, whatever that character may be. Like the stunning Rolex Daytona watches that are crafted to stand-out from the crowd and add class to any outfit.

Watch Straps

Of course, there are different materials that watch straps can be made with. From a traditional horween leather watch strap for the wedding we spoke about, to a fancier suede leather watch strap for a less formal party.

Watch Faces

The shape of a watch face expresses a lot more than you’d realise. For instance, a round face is suited for formal occasions while a square face looks much better worn at casual parties.

On the other side, smartwatches are better for casual and sporting events depending on the face you choose on your smartwatch.

If you don’t have a smartwatch and are unaware of what we mean – on a smartwatch you can change the background of your face day-to-day! Which makes it very versatile for all occasions.

What do you think?

Let us know which watch you would pair with which occasion in the comments section. We understand that fashion is a matter of personal preference, so while this may suggest wearing a circle-faced, black leather watch for smart occasions, you might prefer to wear that style of a watch on an everyday basis.

Tell us why you have these watch fashion opinions too, then we can start a friendly debate.

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