From Packing Boxes to Unpacking Dreams

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The prospect of starting over is great on paper, but with so much to do, you can lose track of the destination with such a tense journey. From sorting all the legalities to packing and then unpacking, the list will seem endless. As such, we’ve decided to try and help you out by guiding you through the process, so make sure to keep reading.

The Prep Stage

Starting it all off with a good foundation will set you up for success, thus, we’d say getting organised with a list will be your best bet. There are plenty of moving house checklists you can find online that will help you with this. They will typically cover everything from what to consider before moving to a post-move checklist.

This way, you won’t be stressed trying to create a list by yourself, and it will save you some time. Plus, it can help you avoid forgetting important details as it will cover all your bases, and you can always add more tasks as you need. After all, moving is a unique experience for everyone, so you will always encounter something unexpected.

Creating a set timeline along with a fixed budget for everything in advance will also be helpful. Jot down key milestones you want to achieve, and add minor tasks in between them. Make it fun by adding rewards, it can be a homeowner version of a game, with quests and side quests to complete.

Arguably the most important part of the prep stage is giving yourself some lenience. You can’t predict everything, expect the unexpected should be your motto during such times.

Packing and Unpacking Like a Pro

Once you’ve got a clear plan and timeline, it’s time to get to the actual tasks. Both packing and unpacking are tough projects to get through, but they can also be very satisfying. To see everything placed neatly in a box and then unpack it all to place it in the most aesthetically pleasing way can be a treat in and of itself.

When it comes to packing, gather all of your supplies, which hopefully you’ve bought during the prep stage. This will typically be a mix of boxes, bubble wrap, tape, scissors, and markers to label each box to a corresponding room and/or what it contains. We’d recommend also keeping separate boxes for your essentials that you’ll need to use straight away.

Doing this will save you time during the next part – the unpacking. Tackle one room at a time, this will speed up the entire process. Some areas are certainly more important than others, so focus on your kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. Leave any decor and accessories as the very last step, this will ensure you place them in the best spot.

Regardless of which stage of moving you’re on, take the time to rest and don’t rush the process. Try to make the most out of it, and perhaps even use this time as a bonding experience with your loved ones or a moment to reflect on the changes in your life if it’s more of a solo experience. In any case, embrace this journey and trust the process – you’ll soon be settled in your new home.

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