Design Tips for a Healthier Bedroom

Photo Credit: Monica Silvestre via

Though you might not spend quite as much time in it as you did during your teenage years, there is no arguing with the fact that your bedroom is still one of the most important rooms in your home! Whether you share a bedroom with a partner or get to enjoy the entire space to yourself, there are plenty of different directions that you can take bedroom design and decor, but the problem is that they aren’t all healthy options. You want your bedroom to be fun and cool, but you also want it to be able to set the right tone and provide the right environment when it comes to sleep as it can majorly affect your health.

With all of this in mind, here are some of our favourite design tips for how to put together a much healthier bedroom environment.

Opt for Dimmer Lighting

There is a reason why people can never get any decent sleep in places like airports and hospitals, and that is because the bright lights are constantly shining. If you still have a bedroom light that only emits one strong light, then it might be time to invest in some dimming technology so you can better control the light in your sleeping environment. Dimmer switches on main lights and lamps with different settings can be really helpful in setting a healthier mood for sleep. Also, choose softer bulbs in supplementary lighting such as bedside lamps or reading lights. 

Upgrade Your Mattress for Better Sleep

Your mattress really isn’t a piece of furniture that you can afford to cut costs on. Simply, it’s way too important for your overall health and wellbeing. The general rule is always to buy the best mattress that you can afford within your budget. There might be cheaper options, but these are not going to give you the best support. Head over to a trusty mattress website to get started on finding one that is perfect for your specific body needs.

Make an Effort to Scrap Screens in the Bedroom

Try to turn your bedroom into a screen-free zone. We’re talking phones, tablets, laptops and televisions because all of the stimulation that you get from these devices is one of the biggest problems that your body has in trying to shut down in the evening. Some of it is a simple distraction but there’s also the impact of blue light from screens. If you keep procrastinating and scrolling, you are always missing out on a good few hours of time that could have been better spent sleeping.

Place Some Plants Around the Room

There has been lots of research that suggests having a range of houseplants in your bedroom can be very beneficial for your sleeping health. Alongside making the environment more pleasant aesthetically, plants also help to filter the air and remove some toxic particles that might be floating around in your sleeping vicinity.

Keep Things Cool, Even in Winter

In the colder months, it can be very tempting to crank up the heating in your home to make things warm and snuggly, but this can have an adverse effect on your sleeping health. When you think about it, most of your restless nights happen in the summer when the nighttime temperatures are highest, so even in winter, you should be aiming for a ‘Goldilocks’ bedroom temperature of between 60 and 70 degrees. This is regarded as the best temperature to encourage restorative REM sleep.

Wash Your Sheets Weekly

Have a good hard think about your bed. When was the last time you washed your sheets!? Many of us leave this undesirable chore a lot longer than we would like to admit, but the facts are that if you can commit to swapping them out once a week, your sleeping habits can drastically improve. There is nothing better than slipping into a freshly made bed at the end of the day, that is why we all love hotel services so much! Try to replicate that at home.

Colours and Patterns

Your bedroom should be a restful sanctuary. Avoid too many bright colours and garish patterns. Warm colours on the walls and floors work best to create a tranquil atmosphere. If you want some colour, make a feature of the wall behind your bed – you don’t generally see this when you are in bed!

Hopefully, you can take onboard one or more of these tips and implement them in your own life. Your bedroom is the room where some of the most important things in life happen, from sleep to something else! Make sure that you make the right choices and make it as inviting and healthy a space as possible.

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