That is no understatement! When I received a glorious gift box of Apoth goodies, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. But I did know that the straightforward, no frills packaging hardly did the delightful products justice- but as we all know it’s what is on the inside that counts.

Founded by two female skincare fanatics who want to protect the world we live in, just as much as our skin, the brand only uses the highest quality, ethically sourced ingredients, all developed, formulated and produced in the UK, resulting in a range of delicious smelling products that are natural, cruelty-free and environmentally conscious. Passionate about the planet, the brand has eliminated the need for single use plastics in its products, and is striving to raise awareness on the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling (and is also great if you have a small bathroom).

The winter months can take their toll on physical wellbeing, and coupled with my menopausal skin, I could be described as tight and flaky! Finding appropriate products that deal with a number of issues is no mean feat. However, Apoth & Co has formulated an organic blend of botanicals that are designed to be used morning and night.

As well as tight skin, my forehead is quite oily (I blame the hormones) so finding combination products that are free from toxins, fillers,  artificial colour, fragrance and synthetic chemicals means that my skin can’t complain- whatever my body is up to.

Whether you’re observing a whole new year regime or want to upgrade your current self-care, Apoth & Co products will help you on your way to look and feel more confident. With my menopausal skin, I have been feeling like a teenager, not knowing whether I would erupt in spots or dry up like an old sock, but since using these natural products I can target areas which need more love.

With a daily routine of cleansing, toning and moisturising, both me and my skin are ready to tackle 2023.

Shop the range here

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