Quick and Easy Ratatouille

RatatouilleA delicious and healthy dish, this quick and easy ratatouille recipe is the perfect accompaniment to lamb or fish. It’s equally enjoyable as a light lunch served with a crusty roll and topped with  grated cheese.

Serves 8 as a side dish

Preparation Time: 30 mins

Cooking Time: 20 mins

What You’ll Need:

  • 100ml olive oil
  • 2 aubergines, finely diced
  • 2 courgettes, finely diced
  • 2 green peppers, finely diced
  • 2 red peppers, finely diced
  • Handful of basil sprigs
  • Sprig of thyme
  • 500g home-made tomato sauce
  • Knorr Aromat seasoning, to taste

What To Do: 

1. Pour the olive oil into a large, deep frying pan and heat until really hot.

2. Add in the aubergine and courgette, tossing the pan to coat the vegetables in the hot oil, and sprinkle with Knorr Aromat to season. Fry, stirring for around 4–5 minutes until lightly browned.

3. Remove the fried aubergine and courgette with a slotted spoon and drain in a sieve to prevent them from becoming soggy, pouring back any excess olive oil into the frying pan and heating it through.

4. Add in the diced green and red pepper to the oil, season with Aromat and fry, stirring, until lightly browned. Drain in a sieve to remove excess olive oil.

5. Pour the tomato sauce into the frying pan. Cook for 2 minutes to slightly reduce the tomato sauce.

6. Tear the basil (reserving a couple of sprigs for garnishing) and add to the sauce. Add in the thyme – using these fresh herbs adds that flavour of Provence.

7. Add in the fried peppers and aubergine. Fry, stirring to coat the vegetables in the tomato sauce, for 5 minutes, binding them with the sauce. Add an extra ladle of sauce if needed. You just want to bind the vegetables together with the sauce; ratatouille should never be sloppy.

8. Transfer to a serving dish, garnish with the reserved basil and serve either hot, warm or at room temperature.

Recipe from Knorr.co.uk.

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