Top Ways To Change Up Your Living Room That Don’t Involve Paint

Photo Credit: Alex Qian via

Is the landlord telling you that you can’t paint the walls? Is it simply too messy and time-consuming to consider repainting?

There are plenty of ways to change up the feel of your living room without resorting to painting.

One way is to switch around the furniture. For example, if you have a lot of small pieces, try consolidating them into a few larger pieces. Or vice versa. Rearranging the furniture can completely change the look and feel of a room.

You can also use wall prints for the living room to change things up without paint by adding some new accessories. For example, a new rug, some wall prints, or a few plants can add life and interest to a room.

If you’re feeling really adventurous, you could try changing the flooring. This can be a bit of a hassle, but it can be worth it in the end. If your living room is carpeted, try switching to a hardwood or tile floor. Or vice versa. This can completely change the look and feel of the room.

But what are the benefits of redecorating your living room?

Give your home a fresh new look

If you wonder how to change your living room on a budget, redecorating is a great way. You can achieve a lot with a limited budget by simply rearranging the furniture and accessories you already have.

Make your home more comfortable

A well-decorated living room can make you feel more at home. It can be a place where you can relax and unwind after a long day.

Increase the value of your home

A well-decorated living room can add value to your home. If you ever decide to sell, a potential buyer will be more interested in your living room being nicely decorated.

Here are various ways to change your living room that don’t involve paint.

Wall prints

Adding wall prints to living room walls is an easy way to change up the look and feel of a room. Also, adding some new accessories like plants or artwork can add life and interest to your living rooms.

Change the furniture around.

If you have a lot of small pieces, try consolidating them into large pieces. Or vice versa. Rearranging the furniture can completely change the look and feel of a room. You can also use prints to add interest to your living room without using paint.

Temporary Wallpaper

A great way to add some personality to your living room without painting is by using temporary wallpaper. There are many different designs and styles to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your room. Plus, it’s easy to install and remove, so you can change it up whenever you want.

Change the flooring

This can be a big job, but it can be well worth it in the end. For example, if your living room is carpeted, try switching to a hardwood or tile floor. Or vice versa. This can completely change the look and feel of the room. Keep in mind, though, that this option can be quite expensive.

Hang Curtains

This is a great way to instantly change the look of your living room without spending any money at all. If your windows are bare, hang some curtains. If your curtains are boring, add some colour or interest with some fabric tabs or tie-backs.

Add plants

Adding plants to the living room is a great way to change the look and feel of a room without spending money. When you’re deciding which plants will work best, keep in mind that some have higher light requirements than others. However, if all else fails, there are always artificial plants as well.


Even if you don’t want to change your flooring, changing rugs is one way to update your living room. Adding a new rug in the same colour family as the existing ones will tie your colour palette together. Alternatively, if you’re feeling adventurous, try colour blocking with two bold colours at opposite ends of the room or alternating patterns.

Temporary Furniture

Instead of repainting all the walls in your home, you could try using temporary furniture instead. This is a great way to add some personality to your living room without committing to anything long-term. Plus, you can always take the furniture back to the store when you get tired of the look.

Throw Pillows

Changing your throw pillows is an easy and affordable way to change up your living room without paint. You can either switch them all out at once or gradually over time, depending on the look you want to go for

Make it Cozy

The really important thing is that your living room feels comfortable and inviting. No matter what changes you make to a room, if it doesn’t feel cosy, it will not be a success.

The key takeaways

In conclusion, you are to have fun with your living room and to make it your own. There are many different ways to change it up without using paint, so experiment until you find the look that’s perfect for you.

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