3 Crucial Things To Consider Before Changing Your Name

Photo Credit:
Agung Pandit Wiguna via www.pexels.com

Every individual is unique. The way you look, speak and behave are distinctive attributes for which you are known. However, there’s one more thing that distinguishes you from others and gives you a unique identity. Just like a tree is known by its fruits, you are known by your name.

But unfortunately, you don’t get to choose your name. Due to this reason, some people end up with a name they don’t like or find embarrassing.

There is a possibility that a person does not prefer their birth name or is under the compulsion or requirement to change their names. As much as you would like to have the liberty to change your name at will, you cannot do so without following a legal procedure. Learn how to change your name and about the legalities, formalities and reasons around a name change.

  1. Restrictions in order

Most of us would admit to having that urge of changing our names to something more relatable or millennial… just for the fun of it. However, no matter how much you would like to do it, you are not permitted by law to CHANGE YOUR NAME to whatever you like. There are certain restrictions to changing your name. As per the registry office, these are:

  • Change in the name that does not include your name or surname
  • A name that cannot be pronounced
  • A name that includes numbers or symbols
  • A name that includes punctuation marks (does not include hyphens marks)
  • A name that hints vulgarity, profanity and blasphemy
  • A name that promotes criminality
  • A name that incites hatred or hurts religious sentiments
  1. Intellectual Property Rights 

Intellectual property rights are the rights that are used to patent intangible assets. They are often meant to protect original works or a particular brand or for furthering the purposes of innovation, creation in the fields of literature, music or any other sphere. Since these protections can be attached to the most abstract areas of our lives, including brand names, identity and even a personality, you are not allowed to choose a name that coincides with someone else’s name or identity that has been patented. For example, since Michael Jackson is among the most celebrated and commercially successful musicians in the world, he still earns millions of dollars in royalty and music rights. If you put in an application to change your name to Michael Jackson, it can be a ground for refusal.

  1. Limitation on characters

People are quirky enough to change their name for whatever reason they feel like. Some may want to shorten it, and some may want to elongate it. You must know that your name cannot extend to the length of your quirks. There is a limit on the number of characters that your name has. You cannot exceed a limit of 150 characters if you want your name to be printed on the deed of a poll document. The only condition you are permitted to do so is after paying an additional fee. For passport purposes, the office only permits 30 characters for names and another 30 characters for surnames.


Your name is something that you hold close to your heart and take pride in. We are known, defined and represented by our names. Before taking a decision to reconstruct your identity, it is important to be aware of the consequences. Before you go on to experimenting with names, ensure that you stick to the instructions mentioned under the deed poll office.

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