Bad Breath Alert! Make Sure It’s Always Minty Fresh With These Killer Tips

poe-toothbrush-571741_1920I think one of the biggest worries for us girls is how our breath smells. After all, there’s nothing worse than talking to someone with poor oral hygiene. Therefore, we want to make sure our breath always smells great when we are in a conversation! Although mints and chewing gum can help your breath in the short-term, they will only hide the problem, not fix it for good! Therefore, here are some killer tips to ensure you always have minty fresh breath in the future.

Update your toothbrush

As well as keeping our teeth in good condition, brushing is so important to ensure we have good breath every day. After all, brushing gets rid of any bacteria in our teeth which cause our breath to stink! A lot of people go wrong with cleaning their teeth as they are not using the right toothbrush! You need a good quality electric toothbrush which will ensure you properly take care of your teeth. Therefore, update your toothbrush and make sure you get an excellent toothpaste. And don’t forget to floss after brushing. It will ensure you get rid of food before it turns into bacteria which will cause bad breath!

Use a good mouthwash

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking brushing their teeth is enough to keep them in good condition and their breath minty fresh. But it’s a must to use mouthwash every day if you want your breath to improve. As we said before, mouthwash is excellent for killing germs in your teeth and creating a protective shield. And make sure you aren’t scrimping on mouthwash. You need a top brand to ensure you have fresh breath when you leave the house in the morning. You can find good dental suppliers online who have all the best mouthwash brands that dentists recommend you use on a daily basis!

Increase your water intake

We all know how many health benefits water has. But you might not know it can help you to have good breath. However, a lot of us are not drinking enough water to help keep our mouth clean. As this article reveals, doctors suggest doubling the amount of water you currently drink to cure your bad breath! Therefore, buy some bottles of water and take them out with you every day! It will ensure you are drinking enough to keep your breath fresh!

Cut back on your daily coffee

As well as causing your teeth to stain (goodbye pearly whites), coffee can affect your breath. It’s because there is a lot of acid in your cup of coffee which can cause bad breath. In fact, some coffee beans have up to 30 types of acids! Therefore, to sustain good breath, you should cut back on the amount of coffee you are drinking every day. Have a glass of water or a cup of green tea instead, to ensure you have good breath!

And make sure you visit the dentist annually. They can check what’s causing your bad breath; you might have a cavity which needs to be dealt with to save your breath!

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