Travelling By Yourself? Avoid These Mistakes!

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If travelling solo fills you with fear, you’re not the only one. Many people would love to experience travelling somewhere by themselves but lack the confidence to do so. It’s reassuring to go to a new place with someone, whether it’s your partner or your family. But when you’re travelling alone you don’t have this security and it can make you feel vulnerable. This is often what unnerves people about trying it out for themselves.

Unfortunately, this means they are missing out on a fantastic opportunity to see more of the world and enjoy their own company. It’s a revealing experience that constantly pushes you out of your comfort zone. This can help you learn more about yourself than ever before while also introducing you to new people and places. There are aspects of travelling solo that are awkward and potentially dangerous. But this can be easily avoided if you prepare yourself beforehand. To help you do this, here are some big mistakes many single travellers make that you should avoid.

Forgetting to provide updates

It’s likely you will have family and friends back home who want to hear all about your travels. So it’s good to stay connected and give them regular updates. Not only will it stop you from feeling lonely and disconnected, but it’s also beneficial from a safety point of view too. Unfortunately, many solo travellers forget to provide updates, which can cause their family to worry. So remind yourself to inform your loved ones of where you are and where you intend to go next. With so much technology at our fingertips, it’s easier than ever to do this.

When packing your travel essentials, always ensure you write down the phone numbers of your loved ones. This can be useful if you lose your smartphone and have to use a payphone. You can also keep everyone updated with your plans on social media or via email. Check that your accommodation has wifi capabilities or search for wifi hotspots in the local area. This will give your loved ones peace of mind and stop them from worrying about where you are or what you are doing.

Don’t avoid people

Some single travellers find it difficult to approach and start conversations with new people. So it’s sometimes easier to keep yourself to yourself and have little contact with others. But this is a huge mistake to make when you’re travelling by yourself for a number of reasons. If you are always by yourself, you might be an easy target for pickpockets and con artists. Being alone all the time will also make you feel homesick and lonely. This can put a downer on your entire trip. There is nothing wrong with enjoying time by yourself, just make sure it’s not the entire duration of the trip.

As silly as you might feel, make an effort to talk to others and form friendships. Not only will it make you feel safer, but it can help make your trip that bit more enjoyable. Another option is to join an escorted tour that caters to single travellers. This gives you an opportunity to learn more about a location, while also introducing you to others. To find out more about joining a tour click here.


Overlooking a budget

When you’re travelling to new and exciting places, it can be easy to splurge and overspend. Treating yourself to delicious meals and fancy hotels can add to your travel experience. But only if it is done within reason. Many solo travellers fail to establish a budget before they arrive and can often run out of money quickly. This can put them in a challenging and dangerous situation, particularly if they cannot afford to stay anywhere for the night.

So establish how much money you are able to spend each day and stick to it. Having a realistic budget will help you have the best time possible while also being smart about how you spend your money. It’s also beneficial to designate an emergency fund which you can use should you get robbed or ripped off.

This guide is in no way trying to deter you from travelling solo on a holiday or gap year. The tips and advice instead should be used to help prepare and protect you during your trip. They can make sure that this first trip by yourself is as straightforward and stress-free as possible. It may even give you the confidence to travel alone more often. So take this advice on board and use it to create the trip of a lifetime.

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