Why Exercise Isn’t the Best Way to Lose Weight

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Yes, exercise is a valuable way to lose weight, but it isn’t the only way and certainly isn’t very effective on its own. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. It makes sense then that counting calories becomes very important for a weight loss meal plan.

Why Counting Calories is Important

To create the calorie deficit necessary to lose weight, you must account for all the calories you consume. To lose one pound per week, you must burn 500 more calories than you take in each day for a total of 3,500 calories each week. Underestimating the number of calories you’ve consumed can derail your efforts.

How to Figure Out Calorie Intake

Keeping track of your calories requires some effort, but will pay off in the end. Many people find that when they log their calories, they are taking in way more than they thought. Read nutrition labels carefully so that you can choose appropriate foods for your weight loss goals. It’s also helpful to weigh and measure your foods so that you can get the exact calorie count correct.

Keeping a Food Journal

The single best way to track your calorie intake is to keep a food log. In it, you’ll write down everything you eat and in what quantity. That way, you can total up your calories for the day and make sure you are staying within your targets. A simple notebook is easy enough, but there are also smartphone apps that help you keep track by just inputting your meals and snacks.

What Foods to Eat

In general, the experts recommend eating lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and low-fat dairy foods. These choices are lower in calories than processed foods, fast food, and other junk food. By eating plenty of them, you keep your calorie intake under control, while also satisfying your appetite and staying healthy.

The Role of Exercise

It’s important not to discount exercise completely. By engaging in cardio workouts, you burn additional calories, which can help you reach your goal effectively. Strength training builds lean muscle mass, which boosts your metabolism, helping you slim down more quickly. Combining exercise with a healthy meal plan is your sure-fire ticket to successful weight loss.

Finding Additional Help

While exercise and a healthy meal plan are certainly important, you might need extra help. HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, gets a nod as a way to lose excess weight. A hormone imbalance can be detrimental to how your body uses and stores fat. By implementing HRT into your weight loss plan, you create the balance needed to regulate your weight. These hormones, which include testosterone, oestrogen, human growth hormone, DHEA, and insulin, among others, work best when combined with a healthy eating and exercise routine.

Supplements are another option when you’re trying to lose weight. The right one can help you control your appetite and metabolism, both of which are important if you’re trying to lose weight. No matter the option you choose for reaching your goals, be sure you discuss them with your doctor beforehand, especially if you have any health conditions or are on any medication. Good luck!


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