Sweet Potatoes and Bok Choi Patties, Grilled Bacon and Poached Duck Egg

Sweet Potato and Bok Choy patties high-res 2A New York style brunch from the comfort of your own home. This healthy and hearty meal will go down a treat with the whole family.

Serves 4

Per serving 508kcal

What You’ll Need:

  • 450g cooked sweet potato, mashed
  • Crushed black pepper, to taste
  • 1 small bok choi, finely sliced
  • 1/4tsp smoked paprika
  • ¼tsp ground cumin
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 1tsp honey
  • 1-2tbsp polenta flour, plus extra for coating
  • Oil, for frying
  • 8 rashers of dry cured bacon
  • 4 duck eggs
  • 2tbsp white wine vinegar
  • Extra virgin olive oil

 What To Do:

  • In a large bowl combine the sweet potatoes, pepper, bok choi, smoked paprika, cumin, garlic and honey together with a little polenta flour.
  • Adjust the seasoning, split into 4 equal balls, squash them down and coat with some polenta – this will help to make them nice and crisp when cooking.
  • Place a large pan of water on the heat and bring to a gentle boil. Add the vinegar to it. Crack the eggs into 4 individual dishes, ready to be poached.
  • Shallow fry the patties for 3-4 minutes on one side. When they are ready to be turned, stir the pan of water and gently pour the eggs into it, one at the time (the water should be simmering and not boiling).
  • Cook the patties for 3-4 minutes on the second side. When they are ready, so should be the eggs.
  • Gently remove the eggs from the water and drain on some kitchen paper.
  • When you are almost ready to serve, place the bacon on a rack under the grill and cook until crispy. When cooked, remove and keep warm.
  • Place the patties onto four serving plates. Cut the bacon rashers in half and arrange four halves over each sweet potato patty. Top each with the poached eggs, drizzle with a little oil and serve.


  • The polenta can be replaced with breadcrumbs
  • If you are a meat lover, add either some black pudding or chopped chorizo to the mix before shaping it into patties

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