Thinking About Trying CBD? Here’s How It Will Make You Feel

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CBD has grown in popularity in recent years, but if you’ve not tried it before and you’re curious, you may be wondering what the effects are and how you’ll feel after taking CBD. While everyone reacts differently to supplements such as this, we’ve highlighted some of the benefits you may experience from adding CBD into your lifestyle, and how it might affect you.

Will I Get High From CBD?

Understandably, some people are concerned that CBD will give a ‘high’ like cannabis does, as CBD comes from the hemp plant. But cannabis plants contain a range of compounds – CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, so it doesn’t contain THC, the psychoactive element of the cannabis plant. This makes it safe to consume daily, ensuring you won’t experience any high from using CBD products.

CBD comes in three forms – isolate, full-spectrum and broad-spectrum. CBD isolate is the purest form and is what’s found in products such as Vitabiotics CBD. This is entirely THC-free, whereas the other two types of CBD may contain traces of THC.

What Effects Will I Experience from CBD?

CBD impacts the body in different ways, depending on how you take it, the strength of the product and how your body reacts, as we’re all different. CBD can be taken topically, sublingually or orally, and what you experience will change depending on which one you choose. The strength of CBD depends on how your body reacts and the severity of your symptoms which you’re trying to alleviate.

However, because CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, you won’t experience any high sensation from these types of products. Drops that are taken sublingually ensure that the product is absorbed quickly and effectively, via the salivary glands into the bloodstream, rather than being broken down and metabolised by the digestive system. Simply drop the desired amount under your tongue and hold it there for one minute to allow it to be fully absorbed.

For many people, the main effect from CBD is that it alleviates or reduces your symptoms, while still enabling you to feel like yourself. For anxiety, sleep problems, pain or inflammation, CBD can help reduce your symptoms and provides a calmer, more relaxed you. It can help to restore your wellbeing and help you go about your day with more ease, without the stress and burden of pain and fear weighing on your shoulders.

What Can CBD Be Used For?

CBD can be used for a variety of different purposes, from muscle and joint pain to inflammation, anxiety and depression, sleep deprivation and IBS. As with any new supplement, it’s advisable to speak to your GP before taking CBD to ensure it’s safe, especially if you’re already taking medication. CBD is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, those with epilepsy or food allergies, or people under the age of 18.

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