Be the Coolest Boss of All Time

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It seems like being the Greatest Boss of All Time should be number one on the wish list of any employer. But we’ve all worked for people who are clearly trying to be the worst boss ever. If you want to improve your image and foster warmth in your office – as well as improve the reputation of your business – follow these tips.

Keep relationships strong

Some employers worry about getting too close to their employees. Maybe it’s because, if things go wrong, it will be harder to let them go. Don’t be so pessimistic! You should act around your employees as if they are all potential friends. Because that’s what they are, really.

The difficulty here is finding time to actually socialise. After all, you’re in the office to work! This is why you should encourage after-work activities. If you have a local pub, encourage employees to chill there after work. Join them, have some drinks, get to know them better.


Fun activities

The previous paragraph makes a nice segue into this one. There is, of course, the pub after work to consider. But perhaps you don’t want to encourage a drinking culture at work. This can be alienating to workers who don’t drink. So consider other activities. Bowling and karaoke are amazing ideas that don’t necessarily require alcohol. If you have a projector in the office, you could have film nights. Invite everyone to watch epic action flicks and newly-released blockbusters. (By ‘newly-released’, I refer to home video. Don’t pirate films, please.) Schwarzenegger Wednesdays? Sounds good to me.

Pay close attention to HR

The HR Department, where employees go to make their complaints about you. At least, that’s the way a lot of uncool bosses see it. Of course, that’s not really what it is. HR stands for human resources, and it should appropriately be the most human side to your company. Its existence indicates your willingness to discuss problems in detail and work towards a solution. If you don’t want an entire department, you should at least look into some human resources management software. It makes to easier to approve holidays and sick days.

Put trust in your employees

Speaking of sick days, don’t be too strict with their requirements. I’ve worked in places that demanded a doctor’s note for even a single sick day. As I later learned, employers should definitely not be asking for a doctor’s note for such a small amount of time. Demanding proof of sickness for a few days off is not only unreasonable. It also shows employees that you don’t trust them. Take them at their word, unless the amount of time is longer than a working week (Monday to Friday).


Complimentary treats: be wary of dietary needs

Most offices these days offer free tea and coffee. Some also have some food items like butter and bread to which employees to help themselves. If you’re doing that, you’re already well on your way to being the Greatest Boss of All Time. But when you do this, you’re risking a sense of alienation among employees with specific dietary needs. You don’t need to get super-specific, but there are small considerations you can make. If you provide milk, you should also provide a dairy-free alternative, such as soya.

Go forth and be awesome!

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