4 Ways to Improve Your Fitness Levels

Photo Credit: antas singh, www.pexels.com

We all want to be fit and healthy, but sometimes it can be a struggle to keep up with an exercise regime. Work and a busy lifestyle can get in the way, and often our fitness levels can suffer. Regular exercise is vital to both physical and mental health, and without it, we may end up feeling sluggish or even depressed. However, even if you lead a mainly sedentary lifestyle, there are ways to improve your fitness levels that you can fit in during your day. Here are some effective forms of exercise that can help keep you in shape and feeling fit.

  1. Commit to a Goal

Setting yourself a fitness goal is one way to help you keep motivated to exercise. For example, you might commit to losing a few pounds over the next month, improving the time it takes to run or walk a mile, or maybe you want to take part in a fitness event to raise money for charity. Having a clear goal in mind will keep you focused and encourage you to stick at it. Finding a friend to share a goal with you is also a good idea, as you will hold each other accountable for achieving what you set out to do.

  1. Mix it Up

If you are stuck in a rut with your fitness levels or have reached a plateau, you might benefit from mixing up the exercises you do. For example, a runner who mainly does cardiovascular exercise often finds their strength and stamina improves after adding some weight training to their routine. Yoga is an exercise that improves flexibility and mental strength, whereas Pilates targets specific muscle groups and improves core strength. The important thing is to find different types of exercise that you enjoy, so you get the most benefit to your fitness levels and don’t feel as though it is a chore. If you are not sure what sporting activity to do, a website such as HulaHub give you lots of options to choose from.

  1. Exercise in Short Bursts

If you are finding it a challenge to fit regular exercise in during your day, having a short burst of exercise is an effective way to keep up and improve your fitness levels. Try taking the stairs instead of the lift, park your car a few minutes’ walk away from where you work or try exercises that you can do while sitting at a desk.

  1. Dance

If by the end of the day you have not found the time to do any exercise, instead of sitting in front of the TV, put some music on and dance! Dancing improves coordination, strength, and balance, and it is also a form of cardio. It is an all body workout! Ten minutes or so of dancing will bring lots of benefits to your fitness levels, and it is something that anyone can do.

Improving your fitness levels is something many of us want to do, and with a little commitment and creativity, it can easily be achieved. Once you begin to see a difference, regular exercise becomes something that you are motivated to do. All you have to do is start!

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