What to do When You’re Involved in a Car Crash on the Commute to Work

Photo Credit: Hassan OUAJBIR, www.pexels.com

Millions of car accidents occur every year in the US. Thankfully, only damage to the vehicle is usually the end result, but every one in three accidents does involve personal injury. If you’re involved in a car crash on the way to work, there are things you need to do.

  1. Always Stop and Protect the Scene

Even if the accident is a minor one, you should never drive away from the scene. It may also be necessary for you to warn other road users in order to prevent further accidents. Keep your hazard lights on, set up flares or use a warning triangle. If the accident happens when it’s dark and your lights don’t work, you’ll need a flashlight to keep you safe, so remember to keep one in your car.

  1. Call the Emergency Services

It’s advisable to call the police even if there are no serious injuries. You may need a police report if you have to file an insurance claim. If the vehicles involved in the accident are not interfering with the traffic, they should be left where they are. The emergency medical services also need to be contacted if anyone is injured.

  1. Make a Record

You need to tell the police exactly what happened when they arrive on the scene. You don’t need to guess, speculate or misstate what happened. Just give them the facts as you remember them. You will be asked whether you’re injured and it’s best to say you’re not sure rather than no. Pain and injuries don’t always manifest themselves immediately. They might not become apparent until several hours later.

  1. Take Photographs

You’ve probably got a mobile phone with you so make sure you take clear photographs of the scene, the vehicles involved, registration plates and vehicle damage. Any physical damage to yourself should also be recorded.

  1. Exchange Details with Other Drivers

The police officer that arrives at the scene usually takes the details of all those involved in the collision. However, if you haven’t called them, you’ll need to take the name, address and telephone number of all people involved in the accident, including any witnesses.

  1. Report the Accident

The next important telephone call is to your insurance company. When you’re speaking with the insurance company representative, ask whether your policy includes medical benefits. If it does, you’ll need to keep copies of any accident-related medical bills.

  1. Inform Your Employer

With all the legal communication out of the way, it’s time to contact your employer and let them know you might be late for work or need to take some time off because you’ve been injured. If you’re injured in a car accident on the way to work, you may be entitled to claim workers’ compensation. If you want to know more visit the-compensation-experts.co.uk.

  1. Seek Medical Attention

Your injuries may not be immediately apparent, so it’s important to seek medical attention at your local emergency room or by seeing your family physician. You might not feel injured, but even a minor impact can result in serious or permanent injury to your spinal cord. You may also have suffered a concussion or a closed head injury if you lost consciousness or were dazed following the collision.

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