Choosing the right type of boiler for your home

Photo Credit: Charlotte May via

Nobody wants to live in a cold house. If you ever have had to do so, you will know just how uncomfortable and miserable an experience it is. Installing the right boiler plays a big role in being able to keep your home warm enough.

Below, we share some basic tips that you can use to make sure that you buy one that is right for you and your family. Whether you are looking for the best boiler for a 3 bedroom home or a small flat, we have you covered. All of the tips below are practical and easy to understand.

Take your time

Try to take your time when deciding which boiler to buy. They are not always cheap, so if you make the wrong decision the chances of your being able to change it for the right one is slim. This is an important investment that you want to last you for years.

Think about the size

If you are living in a small home, you will need to think about how much space the boiler will take up. In most cases, in this situation, a combination boiler is the most practical option. There is no water tank which is why they are smaller than the other types.

How efficient is the boiler?

Typically, the more efficient your boiler is the cheaper it will be to heat your home and provide your family with hot water. They cost a bit more, but over the course of the life of your boiler, these costs tend to even out.

The bigger the space you have to heat, the more important efficiency is. If there are a lot of radiators the water needs to be hot when it leaves the boiler to still be warm enough by the time it reaches the rooms that are farthest away from the boiler. This article explains what you need to know about efficiency.

The warranty

Having a boiler repaired can be an expensive undertaking. So, you must understand what is included in the warranty. As well as how long it lasts. Surprisingly, some warranties do not cover both parts and labour, which means that regardless of what is wrong with your boiler you will have to pay a significant percentage of the bill.

Bear in mind that you can apply for a boiler grant for free and you may be entitled to get a new boiler fully or partially funded.

Understand that price is not the only consideration

We all want to save money, but when you are buying a boiler it is important not to make the price your primary consideration. Going for the cheapest option can easily lead to your buying a boiler that is too small or one that has been made using low-quality parts.

Provided you keep the points above in mind, take your time and do your research you will end up with a good boiler. One that will keep you and your family warm and cosy, for many years to come.

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