6 Reasons Why Pet Chickens Could Be The Best Thing To Happen To Your Garden

Photo Credit: Kaboompics.com via www.pexels.com

Pets are important. Especially in a time of global crisis. They help to keep us emotionally balanced. They make us feel love and fulfilment. They help to give us a sense of purpose. They keep us active and give us an excuse to go outdoors. They’re even great for our kids. They help to keep little ones disciplined, teach them empathy and give them the companionship that growing minds and hearts need.

But when we talk about pets, we need to think beyond dogs, cats, hamsters and guinea pigs. There are many other animals in desperate need of our love, care and attention. Including some birds that we may not be used to thinking of as pets. Chickens and hens are an awesome addition to any household. Here we’ll look at some of the many benefits of bringing these intelligent and affectionate birds into your back garden…

Eggs, obviously!

Whether you’re omnivorous or vegetarian, there’s no better way to start your day than with delicious fresh eggs. And you’ve never tasted eggs as richly flavourful as those from happy pet chickens. Even vegans (many of whom do not eat eggs due to the conditions that farmed hens are kept in) may feel ethically justified in enjoying the eggs laid by their happy pets. And if not, they can always sell or gift them to friends and neighbours. 

They’re easy and affordable to look after

We love spending a fortune on our pets. We love buying them christmas presents, treating them to delicious treats and fun toys and (on occasion) dressing them up. But over time, these expenses can quickly add up. If you’re worried about the cost of keeping chickens as pets, we have some good news for you. 

Chickens are very affordable companions. Aside from the cost of buying (or building) a chicken run, your pet’s needs are very simple. They require only food, water and protection from predators like local cats or foxes. Take a look at Little Peckers and you’ll realise just how affordable chicken feed is. Not only are chickens affordable to keep but they’re also pretty low maintenance. 

In fact, they work harder for you than you need to work for them…

They help keep your home and garden clean

Chickens will naturally help to keep your garden clean of insects and weeds, so you can enjoy a garden that’s free of overpopulation of slugs, snails, crickets etc. They will also eat any fruit that has fallen from your trees before it gets the chance to decompose and attract insects to your garden. Pet chickens can even help you to reduce household food waste. They’ll happily eat leftover salads, veggie peels, grains, fruits, nuts and seeds.

They create awesome fertiliser

Eating weeds, fallen fruit and insects isn’t the only way in which pet chickens can help your garden. Their manure is also a fantastic fertiliser for your indoor and outdoor plants. Compost their poop and you’ll find that it makes a nourishing addition to your soil, rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

They’re intelligent and personable

All of the above are all well and good. But let’s not forget the primary reason for which we need pets… companionship. And those of us who have previously only ever thought of chickens as food sources may be shocked to learn just how much personality the average chicken has.

While it may take them a little while to get used to you (especially if you’ve rescued a factory or farm hen), you’ll find that chickens are intelligent birds who can learn their names and respond when called. They will happily eat out of your hand and most love to be scratched on their backs. Like all animals, the more time you take to get to know them, the more their personalities will start to come across. 

In time they’ll start following you around the garden (a sign of love and devotion), allow you to pet them and even let you pick them up without complaint. 

You can help give a fresh start to an animal that sorely needs it

Finally, if you choose to adopt a chicken or hen from a farm, you could be helping it to get a fresh start and a chance at a happy life. Many battery hens are kept in appalling conditions, but many are unaware of the fact that “free range” hens often don’t fare that much better. You and your family could give a fresh start to an animal that sorely needs it. 

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