A Brief Guide to Facial Rejuvenation

Photo Credit: Shiny Diamond via www.pexels.com

Many people have issues with their appearance, flaws that they perceive, and they want those flaws corrected. In today’s society, more so than ever before, it is easier and more accessible to fix them. In addition, as technology has advanced and continues to do so, there are now less invasive techniques that are quicker and require less recovery time.

If you are considering having a cosmetic procedure done on your face, read on for all the information you will need.

The Procedures

There is a variety of procedures to choose from, and they do not all necessarily require going under the knife. It depends on what you want to have done.

  • Brow Lift: This procedure aims to tighten the skin on your forehead and the muscles too. It reduces the appearance of frowning as well as lifting your eyebrows if they are particularly droopy. This can have a dramatic effect on your appearance.
  • Eye Lift: A similar principle, but instead, it removes the loose skin around the eyes to create a more youthful look. This procedure can have a longer recovery time than other procedures.
  • Facelift or Necklift: This is a more comprehensive procedure. It is common in older patients, and it is designed to restore the vitality of the face. The eyes, brows, jaw and neck are all lifted to make the face appear more youthful as, over time, skin can sag.
  • MACS Lift: Only the lower face is lifted during this procedure. The jawline and neck are paid particular attention to.
  • Rhinoplasty: The nose has an underlying cartilage structure that is reshaped during this procedure to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing structure. The nose can be enlarged, but more often than not, it is shaved down to appear smaller.
  • Facial Liposuction: This procedure, much like other forms of liposuction – is meant to get rid of fatty deposits in the face. This procedure is less invasive as it is mainly done using local anaesthetic as an outpatient procedure.
  • Fillers & Botox: Injectables are the most minimally invasive of all the facial rejuvenation procedures. They can be used to reduce wrinkles, plump the cheeks and the lips, and even reduce the appearance of hollow structures in the face, such as the under eyes.

Choosing the Right Surgeon

The skills of the surgeon can directly impact the end result of your procedure, and even the time it takes to recover from it. When choosing a surgeon, firstly, the locale is important, as well as the reviews and the licences they hold. Look for before and after pictures too. For example, if you are looking for a facelift in Kent then you should look up Bella Vou. Their surgeons are highly recommended, and they showcase many different client stories with before and afters so that you can see their results and get an idea of yours too.

In Conclusion

Remember to listen to your surgeon, you may want one procedure, but actually, they might advise you that you would benefit more from another. So weigh up your options and make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons. It should be about how you feel, not how other people feel.

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