Why is Being Active So Important for your kids’ wellbeing?

Photo Credit: www.pixabay.com

We all know that children need to get exercise, but do we really know why? Sure, we know that physical activity is good for kids in the same way it’s good for us, but you might need some better arguments than ‘because I said so!’ if your child is reluctant to get off their games console and head outdoors. Here’s why being active is so important for your child’s wellbeing…

It reduces the likelihood that they will become overweight or obese

In the year 2015-2016, a third of 10 to 11 year olds and over a fifth of 4 to 5 year olds were overweight or obese. This is a big concern, and the World Health Organisation says it’s one of the most serous global public health challenges for the 21st century.

However, making sure children stay active (in conjunction with a healthy diet) can help to reduce the likelihood that they will become obese, as physical activity helps to burn calories instead of storing them as body fat.

Also, staying active helps to keep children’s blood sugar levels balanced and within a healthy range, which is particularly important for children who are at risk of diabetes.

It relieves stress and improves sleep and mental health

It’s not very surprising if you think about it, but children who get enough physical activity every day sleep better in the evening. In fact, kids who do regular exercise also fall asleep much more quickly than children who don’t, so if you’ve noticed your child has trouble getting to sleep, it might be a sign that they need to burning off some energy.

Also, exercise helps to relieve stress and improve mental health too. For this reason, physical activity is something doctors often recommend to adults who are feeling stressed about their work life, home life and many other stressful environments, or even for people who are suffering with depression. But it’s also true for children too: physical activity releases endorphins to boost their mood, and it’s also believed to help improve cognitive function.

It boosts self esteem and confidence

Finally, as well as strengthening bones and muscles, regular exercise helps to boost self esteem in children. It facilitates a positive relationship with their bodies, a strong belief in their capabilities, and a respect for themselves.

So, given how important it is for kids to be active, here are some activities to encourage them to get outdoors:

  • Geocaching treasure hunts (or Pokémon Go, for instance)
  • Countryside walks with the family dog
  • Playing in the park
  • Playing hide and seek outside
  • Helping to plant a spring vegetable garden

These physical activities are free or cheap, but it’s a good idea to kit kids out with the necessary clothing or equipment to make it enjoyable. For instance, outdoor physical activity often requires sensible footwear, waterproof coats and trousers and any sports equipment associated with outdoor exercise.

But what about indoor activities too? Well, you could suggest that your child tries some of the following:

  • Musical statues
  • YouTube dance classes
  • Child-friendly yoga
  • Wii Fit
  • Gymnastic or rock climbing classes
  • Swimming

The clothing or equipment children need for indoor activities will depend entirely on the nature of the activity they’re doing, but as a minimum, you can expect they’ll need some sports leggings and a breathable t-shirt, some comfortable training shoes or plimsolls, and perhaps an exercise mat or swimwear.

As you can see, there are lots of good reasons that being active is important for your child’s wellbeing. All it takes is for you to help them establish a structure or routine whereby they do a little bit of activity every day. Lead by example and spend time being active together when possible too.

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