Tips And Tricks To Get Back On The Fitness Ride

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Now that we are on a new year it’s understandable that our minds are wandering to our resolutions and the goals we have set ourselves. It’s no secret that January is the month where people like to implement changes and the most common would be a fit and healthy lifestyle. You just have to see the rise in gym attendance to know that. However, some people can find it hard to get back into the swing of things, especially after an indulgent festive period filled with mince pies and a few too many glasses of wine.

Motivation can be a hard thing to master if you don’t feel the urge to get back on track then how do you go about it with a sheer lack of enthusiasm to do it? Motivation is just something we have, and the best place to start would be to consider why you want to get fit and healthy. What is the main driving force behind this change? It might be to lose weight or fit into particular clothing. Maybe you have a wedding or occasion coming up that you want to look your best for. Or perhaps you just want to feel better on the inside and out. So I thought now would be the ideal time to share with you some tips and tricks to help ease you back onto the fitness ride. Are you ready?

Set yourself some goals

One of the first things you need to consider is the goals you want to set. This is where your main motivation will come into play. Have you got a target weight you want to achieve? Do you want to be able to run a certain distance within a certain time? How do you plan on tracking your progress to achieve your goal? Are you weighing yourself each week or taking photographs to see the difference in your body? Setting yourself your primary goal is vital, but you may also want to set yourself smaller goals along the way. This helps to keep your motivation as you begin to smash those targets.


Be realistic with your targets

It is, however, important to ensure that you are realistic with your goal setting. If you set yourself a target that is impossible, then you are bound to lose motivation and fall at the first hurdle. You need to be sensible. This way of thinking is vital for your smaller goals as well. We all love the feeling of achieving something we have set out to do, and this can be a huge motivator to keep you going towards your main goal. Setting yourself realistic targets that you can achieve is a subjective way of keeping your mind positive and motivating you to continue.

Try something new to inspire you

Sometimes we can stop exercising or taking care of ourselves because we get bored of the activities we are doing. We need to see the benefit as well, to keep on going. This is where mixing up the type of exercise you do can keep things fresh. Perhaps try a different class at the gym, or even create a gym at home for those days you just can’t get out of the house. There are some amazing at home treadmills, and you only need to go online to research the best spinning bike or alternative gym equipment.

Increasing your fitness doesn’t necessarily mean attending a gym, whether that is at home or not, you can just as easily exercise by going out for a walk or run, heading to the local swimming pool or even following a workout session online on websites like YouTube. Things like Yoga and Pilates are also great ways to workout your body by using different muscles. Doing a mixture of activities will certainly keep your attention, and it could even open up a whole new social life for you.

Make sure you have the right kit

It’s important that we dress for the occasion. This means the right footwear for the task in hand, the right clothing to keep you warm, safe or allow you to do the workout you intended. When you don’t wear the right things, you could potentially cause yourself an injury, and that can easily put you out of action for weeks.

But, what you wear can also be a bit of a motivator for you. If you feel like you look the part, you may want to perform better. Again it can be a psychological way of keeping yourself on track.

Take a look at your diet

Diet is massively important when it comes to our fitness levels. We need to ensure that we are nourishing our body with what it needs. Exercising means that we are using our energy resources, so this needs to replenished. The same can be said for keeping your body hydrated with water.

Diest themselves are not a sustainable way to live. Sure, they may give us quick results, but our bodies need certain food types to keep going. Carbohydrates are seen as a big no when it comes to dieting, but they are an excellent source of energy for our bodies. Water, is of particular importance, as it keeps us hydrated during exercise, but it can also aid with our sleep quality and keep our skin clear.


Make time in your routine

Finally, it is essential that we make time in our busy schedules to exercise. The main excuse everyone has is a sheer lack of time, but if you really wanted to do it, you would make the time. So if you are serious about regaining your fitness levels and having a healthy lifestyle, then you need to consider how much time you have and when you could use it wisely. A lot of people choose to wake up a little earlier and start their day with exercise. This might include a quick twenty minute HIIT session or a half hour run in the local park. Other prefer to exercise at the end of the day. Try and work out what time suits you best and then add it to your schedule. Developing a new routine is hard, but it’s more about turning that exercise into a habit. Being consistent with it will make it easier to exercise as it becomes second nature and a part of your day.

I hope this has offered you a few tips to help you get your fitness back on track.

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