Skinny Green Tips

BioglanWe’ve teamed up with Bioglan Superfoods who’ve partnered with nutritional therapist, Eve Kalinik, to share tips on achieving weight wellness to launch their new product, Skinny Greens.

1. Eat Foods Without Labels

Basically foods as they are naturally occurring and that don’t come in a bag or box. Try to opt for organic, grass fed, free range, wild and sustainable produce (look for soil association, MSC approved). ‘Real’ foods as opposed to processed refined ones will satisfy your needs so you won’t feel compelled to raid the cookie jar.

2. Don’t Be Fat Phobic

We need good quality fats in the diet to help burn fat and support crucial processes in the body. Just make sure that you avoid the trans fats and instead go for good quality sources such as coconut oil, organic unsalted butter, nuts & seeds, and cold pressed oils such as olive, pumpkin and sesame, all in moderation. Use the fats that are solid at room temp such as coconut oil or butter to cook and the cold pressed ones to dress food after cooking.

3. Eat Adequate Amounts of Protein

Often we feel hungry later in the day because we haven’t had enough protein. This doesn’t need to necessarily be from animal based products. Beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and clean tofu or tempeh are just some of the plant based alternatives. Just try to have some protein at each meal.

4. Keep Your Cupboards Well Stocked

Falling off the wagon can often be a case of not enough planning so making food that you can freeze or double portions is always a good tip. I often encourage clients to have a kitchen cupboard reboot, throwing away temptation and instead stocking up with plenty of herbs, spices and foods that will lift your nutrition value and the taste of your food. And its always worth investing in good quality kit, eg a good blender like a Vitamix will last you a long time and it gives you the best results.

5. Drink Water

Part of the reason we feel the need to eat in between meals, have energy slumps and sluggish digestion can simply be down to dehydration. Aiming for 8 glasses of water per day is a good guide, add more if you are exercising or travelling. And get yours from a clean source – reverse osmosis filters are ideal, if not then glass bottled.

6. Chewing

Chewing your food thoroughly is an important part of digestion and controlling your appetite. Eating rapidly also leads to having bigger portions as you don’t realise you have genuinely had enough. Being mindful about our eating practices is an essential part of knowing when you are full and properly satisfied. Take at least 20 minutes to eat your meal.

7. Avoid The Snack Trap

Generally speaking we shouldn’t necessarily need to snack if you are having three balanced meals per day. Obviously there may be exceptions such as travelling or related to physical activity but in general these are additional kcals that we don’t need.

8. Don’t Try Too Hard 

If you put too many restrictions on yourself you are doomed to fail. Aim for an 80/20 split and allow yourself that treat once in a while and thoroughly enjoy it and you won’t feel the need to rebel. And don’t waste time counting kcals, it’s a pointless and exhausting task that could be better spent chewing!

9. Ditch Sugar

In its many guises. This includes chocolate, sweets, ice-cream, sugary cereals, squash, fizzy drinks and refined foods such as white bread, pasta and crisps. Also includes diet, low fat or sugar free alternatives which have high levels of artificial sweeteners and preservatives. Avoid the supposed “healthy” syrups such as maple, agave etc. Think whole foods as much as possible and watch out for sauces such as ketchup that have hidden sugars.

10. Move A Little Every Day

Moderate exercise helps to keep us trim and toned but too much can have some negative effects so don’t think hours and hours on the treadmill is the way to go. Diversity is key so combine activities such as weight training and cardio with more restorative techniques like yoga or pilates.

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