New Year Health Tips with Luke Copeland

SpeedflexWanting to get in shape for 2015 but not sure where to start? StyleNest has teamed up with Luke Copeland at Speedflex, a circuit-based HIIT training concept, to bring you his advice on finding the exercise that is right for you.

  • Why try Speedflex and what are the benefits

Speedflex is a group based HIIT concept, that involves personal trainer led 30 or 45 minute high intensity interval training sessions using unique resistance machines that respond to how much force the user is applying – the more force you apply, the more resistance you feel back. The benefits from a few sessions a week include increased muscle mass, decreased body fat and visceral fat (the organ fat we can’t see that increases the risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease and some cancers). Speedflex sessions are also very low impact as your feet never leave the ground and the machines do not incorporate any eccentric (muscle lengthening) movements, which contribute towards muscle soreness post-workout. Together this results in less muscle soreness the day after your workout compared to other forms of exercise. The session intensity is monitored through heart rates displayed on screens in the studio. This gives the trainer and the participants’ real time feedback on how hard they are working. All progress is monitored through health assessments performed by an Exercise Physiologist which include body composition, blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar levels and a fitness test. A big reason why Speedflex can keep you in shape is because everyone that uses Speedflex is assigned a Mentor to give guidance, motivation and support through their fitness journey, great to keep you going, and perfect if you are starting to exercise for the first time.

  • Why try cycling and what are the benefits

Cycling is a great form of exercise because it’s easily accessible and unlike running more people can do it because it has a lot less impact on the joints. Cycling not only builds aerobic fitness (some of the fittest athletes in the world are cyclists), it also builds muscle and increases power in the legs. Going out for a long ride on a regular basis will help facilitate fat loss and, if you take the scenic route, relieve stress and clear the mind.

  • Why try weight training and what are the benefits

If you walk into any gym or fitness club you will see a mixture of genders in the cardio section but predominantly only one in the free weights area! The list of weight training benefits, specifically to woman, is a long one, including; decreased risk of osteoporosis, improved balance and coordination, decreased risk of diabetes, and of course increased strength! Also, if muscle mass is increased by just 2kg (4lbs) your body will burn an extra 200 calories a day, that’s 10% of your recommended daily calorie intake. All these benefits can be achieved by performing at least two weight training sessions a week.

  • Why try running and what are the benefits

Running has long been the gold standard of cardiovascular exercise, as humans, we are built to move and there is no better way of doing it then throwing some trainers on and pounding the pavement, track or grass. Running has a similar effect on aerobic fitness to cycling, except you are not limited by the strength and power of your legs in achieving your highest working intensity. When we run we don’t just use are legs, the arms and core muscles surrounding your abdomen are also engaged. Not surprisingly, running solicits a very high calorie burn when compared to other exercise forms of the same duration and intensity, as well as improving coordination and maintaining neuromuscular health.

Speedflex have studios in London, Leeds, and Newcastle, and are coming soon to Edinburgh and York. For more information about Speedflex, go to

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