Lifestyle Changes For Effective Weight Management

Weight Management

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Whether you’re actively trying to lose a few pounds or are simply conscious of keeping them off, maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to our general wellbeing. Indeed, weight loss is not just about fitting in to a certain size; rather, it’s about leading an active and healthy lifestyle that makes us feel our best whilst setting a good example for our kids. Of course, diet and exercise are key to reaching and maintaining a healthy BMI, there are some less obvious elements which also play a part. Here are some additional, not so well-known factors that may help with weight management.


Whilst water doesn’t actively contain any fat-burning properties, staying hydrated is more relevant to weight than many of us realise. One of the reasons behind this is that it’s not uncommon to mistake thirst for hunger, causing us to eat when we’re not actually hungry. Thus, drinking plenty of water may keep faux hunger pangs at bay and stop you reaching for those mid-meal snacks. As well as providing a much healthier, calorie-free alternative to sugary or caffeinated drinks, some studies have even linked increased water intake to a higher metabolic rate. Either way, water is a vital part of any healthy lifestyle.


To add to the extensive list of benefits of a good night’s sleep, quality slumber can also aid weight loss. Comprehensive research has been carried out into the relationship between weight and sleep, and the secret lies not only in quality and quantity, but also in maintaining a regular sleeping and waking pattern. It is thought that a lack of sleep boosts ghrelin production – the hormone responsible for food cravings – whilst inhibiting leptin production, the hormone that tells us we’re full. If you’re sleep deprived and struggling to lose weight, it’s worth re-evaluating your snoozing habits. Ensure quality sleep with a supportive, temperature control mattress such as those from Eve and aim for around eight hours per night.


Sticking to a diet is no groundbreaking tactic when it comes to weight loss, but a recent study has pinpointed how long it really takes to instigate lifelong change. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen put twenty obese adults on a strict diet over the course of a year and monitored their production of specific hunger-related hormones. The results found that maintaining a certain weight becomes much easier after twelve months, due to a 65% increase in appetite-inducing hormones after this timeframe. Indeed, this serves to reinforce the importance of long-term change as opposed to sporadic dieting.


A healthy gut is most commonly associated with a robust immune system, but it also influences metabolism and fat reduction. Limiting the “bad” whilst feeding the “good” bacteria in the stomach will help to boost intestinal health, thus helping with effective weight management. Keep your gut happy by incorporating plenty of fibre and probiotics into your diet, including fermented foods such as kombucha (fermented tea), yogurt, and apple cider vinegar. Alternatively, a probiotic supplement can be taken to nurture the gut and indirectly boost its fat-reducing functionality.

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