12 Things You Can Do Regularly for a Better Quality of Life


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We’re always trying to find ways to improve our quality of life. All people really want is to be happy, and one way to be happy is to focus on improving ourselves. Becoming the best version of yourself through the actions you take each day is extremely satisfying, and you’ll feel/look better than ever! If you have a zest for life and want to make the most out of your time on this each, do the following 12 things regularly:

Tip 1. Drink Water, Tea, and Coffee

These 3 drinks have health benefits proven by science. Now, you must remember that too much of something good can make it bad. Even water; drinking too much water can result in water intoxication. You should drink around 2-3 litres of water per day, as it helps to flush our systems of toxins and other nasty stuff. The body is 80% water, so we need it for healthy bodies and clear minds.

Coffee and tea have been proven to have their health benefits too, although you should probably avoid the added sugar and calorific milk. If you need sweetness or creaminess, try using honey and a milk alternative. Choose beverages like green tea, rooibos, and Earl Grey. A couple of cups of coffee a day has even been proven to have benefits, just don’t overdo it or you could send your stress hormone, cortisol, through the roof!

Tip 2. Eat Whole, Nourishing Food

Eating whole, nourishing food is great for the body. Our bodies are programmed to look better and perform better when we’re eating natural food that isn’t packaged or processed. You can still enjoy some of your favourites, just make sure you do so in moderation! As a general rule, you are what you eat. This means you shouldn’t be cheap or easy! Use these guidelines to help:

Do Eat

  • Vegetables.
  • Fruit.
  • Lean meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Fish.
  • Wholegrains.


  • Processed food.
  • Packaged food.
  • ‘Diet’ foods.
  • Foods with added sugar.
  • Confectionary.

Tp 3.Get Some Exercise

Our bodies were designed for exercise, right back when we had to run for our lives from scary wild beasts in the stone age. We don’t need to do that much these days, so naturally many people have stopped. Exercise not only helps to ward off disease and keep weight under control, it also gives us a good dose of endorphins which help to make us happy!

Tip 4.Enjoy a Hobby

Hobbies help to give a new purpose and meaning to life, which is why so many people enjoy a hobby every day. Your hobby could be something as simple as reading, or as complicated as building model buildings out of match sticks. Think of something you might enjoy and then give it a go!

Tip 5. Avoid Picking Up Bad Habits

Bad habits should be avoided at all costs if you want a good quality of life. Avoid things like smoking, and even being around people who smoke. It isn’t worth putting your life at risk! Companies like nucig make it easier for people to quit, so if you already smoke do take the steps to quit. You should also avoid gambling, being lazy, and drinking too much.

Tip 6. See Your Loved Ones

We all fall into our own routines, and this can sometimes mean we don’t see our loved ones as often as we’d like. Make more of an effort to see your friends and family, even if it’s just for an hour on your lunch break. You’ll feel better about yourself, and being social is an important thing for humans to do.

Tip 7. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Do things that maybe make you feel uncomfortable, and push yourself to your limits. This could be something as simple as learning another language. You might sign up for a 10k obstacle course, or even do a bungy jump to raise money for a charity. Don’t let fear stop you from doing anything you’d like to do, as it’s all in our heads anyway!

Tip 8. Meditate

Some people recommend we meditate for at least half an hour each day to help clear our minds and relax the soul. It’s a great stress reliever and can help to gather our thoughts together and come up with solutions to problems.

Tip 9. Pamper Yourself

We should look after ourselves the best we can, so take some time each day to pamper yourself. Have a regular routine, such as using a face wash and moisturiser to keep your skin clear. You could even take pride in your nails, and grooming your body hair. You could go as far as applying a face mask and whitening your teeth. All of these things help us to feel good about ourselves! There’s nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance, whether you’re male or female.

Tip 10. Treat Yourself

Treating yourself every once in a while is important. We all work hard, whether we have a grueling job or spend all day taking care of our kids. Once every so often, buy yourself something as a reward. Concentrating on others is all well and good, but looking out for number 1 is essential too!

Tip 11. Laugh

Laughing helps us to release endorphins, just like when we exercise. We automatically feel happier, so the more we laugh, the happier we are in general! Watch funny films and TV shows, spend time with people who make you smile, and do fun things you enjoy.

Tip 12. Learn

Learning helps to keep the brain active in different areas and gives us a feeling of accomplishment. It’s up to you what you learn; you might enjoy doing a course to gain a new skill, reading a book on a year in history, or even just taking part in regular brain training. Whatever you do, don’t let that brain of yours go to waste!

Do as many of these as possible in your daily life to really make the most of it and enjoy it. Remember; life is for living!

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